‘The nights are drawing in..!
On these chilly mornings the first task in the studio is to light the fire before any kind of creative activity can take place! Then brew a pot of coffee to sit on top! And from this week it’ll be dark when we close up in the evening!
We can’t even think about hibernating, though! At least not yet, there’s just too much to do! I have to get new work ready for delivering to galleries around the country in November. But before then, they’ll be on show (and available for purchase) at our ‘FIRST SATURDAYS’ Open Studio, on 5 November from 10am – 5pm. October’s new crop include: ‘Filipenda’ Acrylic on canvas. 107 x 107cm (above) . It will be great to see you if you can make it (we’ll have the log fire blazing!)
A collection of pieces have already gone out to Westover Gallery, 4 Westover Road, Bournemouth. BH1 2BY. Tel: 01202 297682. Click here to see the paintings they have on show.
I am working on a series of winter- themed paintings for inclusion in the Christmas Exhibition at the Jerram Gallery, Half Moon Street, Sherborne, Dorset DT9 3LN. Tel: 01935 815261. It runs from 26 November – 23 December. I’ll include some images of these in next month’s newsletter.
Tanya Hinton is showing some new pieces at our Open Studio on 5 November. See ‘Song of Summer’ Oil on Wood. 67 x 15cm, below. She also has work on show this month at the ‘Dansel Gallery’ Abbotsbury. www.danselgallery.co.uk . and ‘The Old School Gallery’ Yetminster. www.yetminstergallery.co.uk. Find out more at: www.tanyahinton.jimdo.com