WINTER SALE 7 Jan – 4 Feb 2017

'Hazel path to may'. Acrylic on canvas. 69 x 69cm

Our Bull Mill Studio WINTER SALE! will be open every Saturday from 7 January – 4 February 201710am – 5pm. In the back studio I’ll have a selection of mostly older pieces, dating back to the mid 1990s, including the pieces illustrated here (Above: ‘Hazel Path to May’ Acrylic on canvas 69x69cm. Below: ‘Osaria’ Acrylic on paper 71x62cm, ‘Concella’  Acrylic on canvas 51x51cm, ‘Capreola’  Acrylic on paper 61 x 50cm). Prices reduced by up to 50%. (In the front will be recent work which will be at gallery prices.). 

 osaria.-nick-andrew   concella. acrylic on canvas. 51 x 51cm   capreola

 Tanya Hinton also has some of her fantastic Wild Wood paintings in the WINTER SALE (including ‘Bastet’ 132x75cm, below). Go to for more information and images
